I'm Hui Ru Hu

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About Me

I was a potential vet in past life, now I enjoy coding.

More about me

I build to practice my coding skills, and explore more about Computer Science.

While I keep busy building projects and improving my skills, I take interviews in search of a great team and projects that interest me.


Web developer with primary focus on Python and JavaScript View Resume

  • Python
  • Django
  • Flask
  • MySQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Postman

The Projects That I Built


A finance application that provides user with online banking functionalities and also quoting, buying, selling currencies (exchange rate data provided by Exchange Rate API).

Tech used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Exchange Rate API, Python, and Django.

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24 HR Vet Clinics in Taiwan

A bilingual site that allows user to get access to the emergency vet clinics nearby. Using geolocation to find user's location and Google Map API to pin all the emergency vet clinics on the map.

Tech used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Google Map API, Python, and Flask.

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24HR Vet Clinics API

This is an RESTful API that I build in order to make the updating the information of my 24HR emergency vet website more efficiently.

It provides a few endpoints to get all vet clinics in English/Chinese, get vet clinics according to location (using city name as parameter), and update/delete/add a clinic in particular city.

Tech used:
Flask Restful framework, Flask SQLAlchemy

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View all emergency vet clinics in English

To Do List App with user authentication and RESTful API

Allow user to create, view, update and delete tasks after account creation. Equipped with user authentication and password reset features.

Tech used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Django.

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Mapty - Workout Tracker

A workout tracker that allows users to click on the map to add a workout (running or cycling) using the form. After submitting, the workout will then show as a list below the form. User can also edit workout by clicking the workout, delete workout by clicking the delete button and delete all workouts by clicking the "delete all" button bellow the list.

Tech used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, leaflet API, JavaScript's localStorage API, and Weather API

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Lux - Your Personal Bar

Lux is a cocktail recipe site that allows user to search for cocktail, generate random cocktails, save cocktail as bookmark, and view the bookmarked cocktails.

Tech used:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, localStorage API and TheCocktailDB's API

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Number Guessing Game

A Python Game built with Python for its logic and Tkinter for its GUI.

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